E. E. King

Bill’s Drive-In

Acrylic on canvas, 36”x 50”, 2005

E.E. King is a painter, performer, writer, and biologist—she’ll do anything that won’t pay the bills, especially if it involves animals. She has won numerous various awards and fellowships for art, writing, and environmental research. She’s been published widely, most recently in Clarkesworld, Flame Tree, Cosmic Roots, and Eldritch Shores andOn Spec. Her books include Dirk Quigby’s Guide to the Afterlife, Pandora’s Card Game, The Truth of Fiction, and The Adventures of Emily Finfeather. She’s worked with children in Bosnia, crocodiles in Mexico, frogs in Puerto Rico, egrets in Bali, mushrooms in Montana, archaeologists in Spain, butterflies in South Central Los Angeles, lectured on island evolution and marine biology on cruise ships in the South Pacific and the Caribbean, and painted murals in Los Angeles and Spain. Learn more at www.elizabetheveking.com.