Em Townsend

Grass Stains

“Grass Stains” is about euphoria: the joy of running, of summer, of being on the cusp of adulthood. I originally wrote the poem years ago, but I kept returning to the idea in the final line: that we are all “squinting at the same tired stars” from wherever we are, even after experiences or relationships end. The “half-crumpled hydrangeas” and “dying lawn” are examples of how that innocent feeling of burgeoning adolescence is sometimes flawed by our own naïveté. To illustrate the presence of a larger “finish line” for this period of life, the poem relies heavily on descriptions of the natural world: something subtle and beautiful, yet finite.

The mosquitoes outnumber us: there seems to be nothing better to do than have a foot race. Space satellites & airplanes alike twinkle approval as we careen down the hill. A sound I’ve never heard before escapes your mouth: something almost like joy, but not quite. My arm grazes yours as we barrel toward an imaginary finish line. You & I are in a good place these days, I think. To pass the time, we explode like supernovas. We howl just to hear a familiar noise. Legs churning, we trample the dying lawn unloved by summer’s heat, grass reluctant to try growing anymore. Half-crumpled hydrangeas line the final stretch of our makeshift course, the blurry moon above us casting a dim spotlight on one last display of teenage self-importance. Your crew socks are stained a murky yellow-green, flecks of mud outlining your Achilles tendons. For as long as I’ll know you, they’ll never be fully white again. I beat you to the fence by a half-step––an instant, & you’re next to me. It was a tie! I say to nobody in particular, & collapse into the grass. The world is quiet except for the sound of us: breathing the same warm air, squinting at the same tired stars.

Em Townsend (they/she) is an emerging writer from the Washington, D.C. area and a student at Kenyon College in Gambier, OH. Their work is published or forthcoming in Chestnut Review, Shō Poetry Journal, West Trade Review, Frozen Sea, Unbroken Journal, Rough Cut Press, and elsewhere. Read more at https://townsend31.wixsite.com/emtownsendportfolio