Cyclemaster Coffee Co.

This work is a digitally manipulated photo that was created to honor the location of The Artist’s inaugural “bucket list” solo show June-July, 2022, located on an inner-city highway in North Portland. A 16″x 20″ canvas print of this work remains, gracing a prominent interior wall.

Digitally manipulated original photo using MS Photos, Google Photos, and Comica software/photo filters, 3000×2250 mp, 2022
Portland, Oregon, USA

Self-identifying as a neurodivergent, two-spirit, elder storyteller and contrarian deeply rooted in the roar and lore that’s become Portlandia of The Left Coast, Lindsey Grant attributes success and survival (if not salvation) to superlative supports, mindfulness practice and daily creative expression in words, sounds and images. Their word is currently represented by The SIY GALLERY of San Francisco